Shabby Miss Jenn

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Smokey Bo


Smokey came to us as a foster dog about a year ago.  He was the perfect foster dog.  He had manners and grace.  We had him for six months due to heart worms.  Tommy and I went back and forth whether or not to keep him as a permanent part of our family.  He was just that cool of a dog!  We loved his jubilance, his energy…you just can't say one bad thing about this dog! 

So we decided that in order to continue fostering future dogs, we would have to find THE perfect family when his heart worms were gone.  As a foster, I usually have an image in my head for what I deem the perfect match.  It is not about who comes first to adopt a dog, it is WHO is the best FIT for the dog.

I pictured an outdoorsy family with kids….and that is exactly what Smokey got.  He now has a terrific family and goes by the name Bo.  He gets to go camping all the time, travels with them whenever possible, and has three kids who just adore him.

When Bo left, I cried.  When I say I cried, I really sobbed.  In my heart I knew it was the best for him, but it is always sad to see someone (even a dog) move on to new travels.

So, last week we got to babysit him for the week.  He entered the house as though he never left and resumed playing with Tivo and Daizee.    I loved being able to see him.  I felt like an Aunt….I got to spoil him and return him.


There are times I believe I am best fitted to live on a lot of land and rescue dogs.  Some people drink wine nightly to relieve their stress, I surround myself with my dogs.  This makes me smile.

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