This is Campbell's first season playing soccer at our local YMCA. She was very excited at cleats, pink shorts, pink shin get the point. Then reality started setting in. She would have to wear jerseys to the games and not her stained heart shirt that she loves so dearly, she would have to share the ball with others on the field, and so many other things that were not on her wish list!
Campbell loves to play soccer at home in the front yard. Her coordination is fabulous and her speed is remarkable. As her mother, I am a little biased, I know! Somehow though, when she got on the soccer field with 9 other kids and 2 coaches, she would freeze and not do anything. The only thing she would look forward to would be the water breaks to use her "cool" water bottle.
When the season first started, my only condition was that she had to go on the field the FIRST time the coach asked. I did not care if she touched the ball or not...I just wanted her to be on the field (and hopefully without tears).
At the beginning, we would be ecstatic if she even touched the ball.
I am not one to bribe, but I did not know what else to do. So I told her if she actually ran with the ball, that we would pass her a Reese's Pieces on her way down the sideline. THIS WORKED! Now she is playing and actually making contact with the ball and we do not even have to bribe her anyone.
Now Campbell is a true soccer pro....
Now Addisan even wants to play next year! There is some hope for my girly girls!
Watching Campbell grow with her confidence makes me smile!