Shabby Miss Jenn

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Some Jamin' Java with Mr. Steve

Our friends back home invited us to see Mr. Steve with them at a local coffee shop in Vienna.  My girls (and surprisingly, myself included) love Mr. Steve.  I did my best to steer my girls away from Barney and The Wiggles and it did it with great success.  Mr. Steve on the other hand has more of a rock sound to his music and covers such topics from the planets to Martin Luther King.  We have seen him at the Children's Museum of Richmond and Theater in the Woods at Wolf Trap.  As I am writing this, it scares me that we might be considered groupies!

Now what road trip would be complete without food?!  We met our friends at Anita's for brunch!  It was the perfect place because it was not too crowded for 7 kids AND 7 adults to be seated.  There was even room for the kids to wiggle out of their seats and walk around some.  


The coffee shop was packed!  I tend to forget how many more people live in Northern Virginia than Richmond until I am packed in tightly with others in a small room like I am in a sardine can.   It was nice though for the kids because there was room in front for them to dance around and just be kids!

Here are some shots of some of the kiddos during the performance.  Campbell cracked me up because she has moves that she must have inherited from the mailman....because Tommy and I have do no posses a lick of rhythm.

We waited FOREVER to meet Mr. Steve. He was as nice as could be.  The girls were ecstatic to get their book autographed.

Hearing songs with your kids that does not make you want to pull out your hair makes me smile.