Playing with dolls. Campbell will grab her baby dolls and rock them while patting their backs.
Lots and lots of dress up!
Some hangin’ around and looking cute.
Feeding the ducks at the lake. It is so unusual for the weather to be this NICE for November.
Poor Tommy! I signed him and Addisan up for a cookie decorating class at Pottery Barn Kids. Needles to say, I totally misread the registration. It was a kid’s bedroom decorating class discussing paint options and decor. Addisan still had fun though spending time with her daddy.
Lots of trips to the zoo with the warm weather!
This Princess Castle that the Yorktown Millers gave Addisan is used by all!! The girls love it and will turn it upside down so they have more head room. Even Daizee will go in there and rest.
Tommy surprised me for my birthday a month early!!! Since my birthday is right after Christmas and it being such a crazy time of year, he planned ahead. He sent down my two childhood best friends to dine at our favorite childhood hotspot—Unos. We also got to get pedicures too! It was the best gift ever!
For the Taylors’ birthday gifts, we took them to get their portraits taken at a local place with the girls. It was an AWFUL experience there. But, I am glad we at least have a picture to show for the terrible afternoon.